Colors: | 6 colors | |
Chart: | 87 × 87 | |
11 dr/cm: | 16 × 16 cm | |
28 thr/inch: | 6.2" × 6.2" | |
Life is too short for cheap wine
Don’t waste your time, as life is so much prettier when you skip reading bad books, eating clumsy baked pies or stitching dull patterns. Enjoy!
The model is stitched with DMC floss on 14 count aida and framed in a 7" hoop. The motif is 87 st. wide and 87 high. The pattern gives also measurements for other usual fabrics. Use the counted stitch calculator to calculate the measurements of your canvas and project. The pages of this pattern will print correctly on 'letter size' as well as on 'size A4'.